3rd Children's Film Workshop "Your first horror scene"

Short films made by the participants of the 3rd edition of the Film Workshop (+8 years): “Your first horror scene”, by Kineina [audiovisuals].

01 Oct 00:00 - 31 Dec 00:00
Kineina [audiovisuals]
country of origin

Also in TerrorMolins Kids TV

Short films made by the participants of the 2nd edition of the Film Workshop (+8 years): “Your first horror scene”, by Kineina [audiovisuals].

Short films made by the participants of the 4th edition of the Film Workshop (+8 years): “Your first horror scene”, by Quim Crusellas, audiovisual producer.

Short films made by the participants of the 1st edition of the Film Workshop (+8 years): “Your first horror scene”, by Kineina [audiovisuals].

First episode of the original series The Monsters Kids.